Staying Motivated: Post-Holiday Slump Edition

Staying Motivated: Post-Holiday Slump Edition

The holidays offer us time to rest, celebrate, and take a break from our usual daily lives. Some people visit their hometown provinces, host parties, go on shopping sprees, treat themselves to nice things, and so on and so forth. However, as soon as January arrives, people are expected to patch things up and condition themselves to return to their normal lives and routines–forcing them to face a post-holiday slump. The transition to going back to normalcy can be unsettling, but it is a reality that people need to face. 

Fortunately, Jelli came prepared with tips and strategies to help reignite your motivation in starting this new year with purpose. Just follow these simple steps that can help you stay motivated despite the post-holiday slump.

  1. Celebrate accomplishments

Motivation mainly comes from the feeling of satisfaction or validation, which is why it is important to celebrate accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. This also serves as a way to boost confidence and self-esteem which becomes a driving force to strive for even greater heights.

  1. Establish clear goals

Establishing clear goals contributes to having a clear direction that provides a sense of purpose, focus, and clarity on what one wants to achieve. This helps in keeping track of aspirations in life as well as in staying motivated to accomplish these set goals.

  1. Curate a realistic routine

Routines are essential in ensuring an organized and efficient life as it provides structure and overview of what needs to be done. This also helps in maintaining consistency and practicing time management as it focuses on following a schedule. Additionally, there is a need to emphasize “realistic” routines to avoid burn-outs and pressure from rising.

  1. Embrace positive thinking

Mindset plays an important role in shaping our well-being as it affects our outlook, disposition, and way of thinking. Embracing positive thinking helps in lowering down stress levels and improving health in general. This practice allows for a more positive and optimistic mindset which leads to better and healthier life choices and decision-making. As a matter of fact, you can actually turn your positive thoughts into actual happiness by sharing the gift of a smile through the transparent Jelli M1 Mask. 

  1. Reward yourself

The human brain feels more eager to work through the help of a reward system. The idea of acquiring a “prize” or having something to look forward to helps people to stay on track and continuously strive towards success. Rewarding yourself every once in a while is actually a healthy habit and should be practiced more often. Sweet treats don't have to be expensive for as long as you feel happy with them! Lucky you, Jelli offers an exclusive code NEWYEARDEALS20 that allows you to experience the rewarding feeling of the Jelli M1 Mask without having to spend a lot!

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