The Truth Behind Mask Misconceptions

The Truth Behind Mask Misconceptions

The rapid spread of COVID-19 led to the strict implementation of mask-wearing. Such a need for wearing masks became a topic of discussion that received conflicting opinions among people. Alongside this were different misunderstandings that permeated fear and caused people to be apprehensive about wearing a mask. Here’s a list of some misconceptions and facts to debunk these: 

Myth 1: Masks do not work 

Wearing a face mask not only keeps you protected but the people around you as well. Studies have shown that wearing a mask can reduce the transmission of various viruses by trapping and diffusing the droplets that move in and out. By doing so, there is less chance of a virus spreading around. 

Myth 2: Wearing a mask makes it difficult to breathe 

Weaning a mask for prolonged periods can sometimes be uncomfortable. Similarly, this can make you feel like you are running out of breath. However, studies have shown that wearing a mask does not impede breathing. It was proven when the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels of 50 adult volunteers wearing a mask while walking were measured. The research found that no participant experienced low levels of oxygen, nor did they experience high levels of carbon dioxide while wearing a mask. Regardless if they were resting or exercising. With this, it is safe to say that wearing a mask will not impair your breathing. 

Myth 3: Only people who are sick need to wear a mask 

Respiratory diseases like COVID spreads through airborne droplets and have a long incubation period that lasts up to 2 weeks. Such kinds are highly contagious and dangerous, especially to the elderly and immunocompromised individuals. Asymptomatic carriers exist, so you cannot tell whether a person is infected or you are. If you are unknowingly infected, you can be a risk to the people around you if you skip wearing your mask.  

Myth 4: Mask-wearing is enough to prevent infection 

Even with the ease of the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) still recommends mask-wearing since it remains a vital tool to combat the virus and other illnesses such as common flu and colds. However, mask-wearing should not only be our way of protection. We must stay cautious of our surroundings, practice social distancing, and wash our hands regularly. Also, we must stay updated with our vaccines & boosters and maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep our immune systems strong. These may seem like a lot, but doing so will keep us healthy!  

Myth 5: All kinds of face covering offer the same level of protection 

The material of the mask can determine how well-protected you are. For instance, loose-knit, like cloth or mesh masks, offer the least protection since large respiratory droplets can still pass through them. Meanwhile, surgical or KN95 masks provide more coverage as these can filter large and small particles. Thus, these types are more recommended than the others. Above all, you should wear a mask that fits closely to your face, without gaps and is comfortable enough to wear for long durations to ensure maximum protection. Such are available at Jelli Tech. Aside from providing comfort and safety, the Jelli M1 Face Mask has a clear front to let the world see your smile! 

Amidst the ease in health regulations, particularly mask mandates, it is still crucial to be careful of our surroundings. Wear your mask regularly, frequently wash your hands, and always keep your immune system strong to ensure protection from any illness. 

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